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Introducing the 2025 Special Photographer Edition
We are thrilled to present the 2025 Special Photographer Edition, a stunning collection of African wildlife pictures in colour, meticulously choosen by Salvioni Grafiche in Bellinzona.
This exclusive edition features 12 breathtaking photographs that capture the vibrant beauty and majestic presence of Africa's wildlife.

About the Collection
  • Color Photographs
    The vibrant hues and stunning details of these color photographs bring the African wilderness to life. Each image tells a story of adventure, beauty, and the untamed spirit of the wild.

  • Exclusive Selection: This collection represents the finest in wildlife photography, showcasing the diverse and awe-inspiring fauna of Africa.

  • Philanthropic Mission : Your purchase (all profit) directly supports the education of disadvantaged girls in Kenya, making a real difference in their lives.
1. Fenicotteri con Monte Kilimanjaro sullo sfondo / Flamingos with Mount Kilimanjaro in the background
350 CHF
2. Fenicotteri nel tardo pomeriggio (lesser flamingos late afternoon)
350 CHF
3. Giovane Leopardo in osservazione rilassata (Young Leopard in Relaxed Observation)
350 CHF
4. Mandria di bufali in movimento all'alba (Herd of buffalo moving at dawn)
350 CHF
5. Elefante al tramonto (Elephant at sunset)
350 CHF
6. Ritratto di Leone in controsole (Male Lion Silhouette)
350 CHF
7. Stormo di aigrette in decollo (Aigrett flock takeoff)
350 CHF
8. Coccodrillo in tuffo nel fiume (Crocodile diving into the river)
350 CHF
9. Gruppo di Zebre incuriosite (Group of Curious Zebra)
350 CHF
10. Discussione animata tra ipopotami (Animated discussion between hippos)
350 CHF
11. Gruppo di gazzelle incuriosite (Group of curious gazelles)
350 CHF
12. Giraffa che ci osserva (A giraffe observing us)
350 CHF
© Gabriel H. 2024
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